New publication!
Report on data collected from 2018 to 2022.
In 2020 Freeland Brasil launched the project Wildlife Trafficking Observatory - Observatório do Tráfico. The project aims to raise awareness about wildlife trafficking in Brazil, by highlighting the numbers depicted from the news reporting wildlife crimes. On this page you can find the most informative data collected from the news so far.
Seized animals inferred from the published news

Seizures reported in December/2022
Since September 2020, the Wildlife Trafficking Observatory follows the news reporting seizures, law enforcement and other governmental institutions actions to fight wild animals trafficking in Brazil. In its initial editions, the Wildlife Trafficking Observatory was published as a two-weekly analysis. In September 2021 the Wildlife Trafficking Observatory Special Edition was published. It presented the results obtained after the first year of data analysis.
In 2022 a new presentation was adopted. With this new format we intend to express the dimension of the wildlife trafficking as well as its recurrence.
You can find all Wildlife Trafficking Observatory previous editions here (available only in Portuguese).

In the current format, the information is presented in a graphic, showing the records of seized animals for each month of the year. Those records are classified according to the main taxonomic group, for live animals, and the product/outcome of wildlife trafficking (dead and slaughtered animals, body parts, bushmeat, fishing, etc). A map also indicates the number of reported seizures in the current month, for each state in Brazil. The ongoing count of the main indicators of the wildlife trafficking is also presented.

*Numbers reflect the sum of registered offenders in all seizure events and do not exclude recurrent offenders
The aggregate values represent the numbers extracted from the published news and consider the total estimated since September 2020.
Wildlife trafficking in Brazil is a crime which encompasses distinct illegal activities, from capturing and keeping to transporting and trading wild animals. The Wildlife Trafficking Observatory assembles the actions to fight wildlife trafficking which are reported on the news published online. Its main objective is to raise awareness about wildlife trafficking.
The data described here represent actions reported in the online news and those made public on official websites of the governmental institutions responsible for monitoring and combating wildlife trafficking. It is important to clarify that many trafficked animals are not detected and seized. Besides, not all seizures and actions to fight wildlife trafficking are reported on the news and, therefore, are not included in our analysis.
Moreover, several news discloses incomplete information regarding amount, species, offenders, and imputed fines. For this reason, the values here estimated do not represent the total number of seizures or the real size of the wildlife trafficking. Instead, the Wildlife Trafficking Observatory presents a fragment of this crime in Brazil.
The Wildlife Trafficking Observatory integrates the Freeland Brazil project InfoTrafi.
Concept e Coordination
Website and Social Media
| Nadia Moraes-Barros
| Juliana Machado Ferreira
| Railiane Abreu; Pedro Yamassaki; Diana Cueva
| Jana Monteiro